At Good Vibes, our partnerships with local schools are vital in our efforts to get as many people as possible involved in music making.

Mrs Bailey, Head Teacher at St Nicolas Junior school: “The music lessons that we have had at St. Nics have been fantastic for our children. From drums, to piano, singing, and guitar, we have been lucky enough to have children trying a range of different instruments",” A sentiment echoed by many families who have seen their children flourish under the guidance of Good Vibes Music Academy.

Confidence is a vital trait for a child’s development, and it’s no secret that learning to play a musical instrument can be transformative. The ability to express oneself through music, whether by striking the keys of a piano, strumming a guitar, or creating rhythms on drums, empowers young learners with a sense of accomplishment. This newfound confidence extends beyond the music classroom and permeates into other aspects of their lives.

St. Nics School recognises the immense value of music within their curriculum. Music is not just an extracurricular activity; it’s an integral part of their education. Mrs Bailey continues, "it enables our children to be creative and learn skills that ultimately help them across all of their other subjects.” The ability to focus, concentrate, and give something a try even when it seems challenging are skills that music education hones and reinforces.

For some children, music can indeed be the key that unlocks their potential. It’s not only about mastering an instrument but also about developing cognitive and emotional skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. Our partnership with St. Nics School is living proof of the transformative power of music education.


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…Our top 8 things to do in Newbury this saturday
