Setting Up A calendar sync
Your can your lesson portal calendar to Google or Apple Calendar - simply go to your profile and click the ‘sync my calendar’ button and then follow the prompts through.
1. sync to your Apple Calendar:
When using the sync feature, you can replace "webcal://" with "https://"
Here you can make some adjustments under the Calendar Info settings:
You can change the name to ‘music lessons’ or something similar to help identify the calendar.
Color Scheme:
You can set a specific colour for your lesson portal calendar.
Subscribed to:
Again, just ensure that you have "https://" instead of "webcal://" at the beginning of the URL.
Select where the calendar is going to be locally saved.
You have options to remove alerts and attachments.
Last Update:
Shows you when the calendar was last updated.
Auto Refresh Setting:
Every 5 minutes
Every 15 minutes
Every hour
Every day
Every week
Ignore Alerts:
Option to turn off notifications for alerts - we recommend you leave this on.
In your Google Calendar, locate 'Other Calendar' and click on the '+' icon.
This will let you add an external calendar, you have a URL that was generated by the lesson portal, please select 'From URL'. Just ensure that you have "https://" instead of "webcal://" at the beginning of the URL.
Once you see that the calendar has been added you can do some additional tweaks on the Calendar Settings.
Click on the '...' right beside the newly added calendar to access settings.
Here you can use the following settings:
Permission Settings
Event Notifications
All-day event notifications
Other notifications
Integrate Calendar
Remove Calendar
Note: Google Calendar does not support adjusting refresh rates of imported calendars, so keep that in mind because it may not be fully up to date on scheduled lessons.
If another Calendar is the default Calendar on your device:
Click 'Open my Calendar to Sync'
Copy the URL in the pop-up window
Navigate to your Google Calendar
Press the '+' next to 'Other Calendars'
Select 'From URL'
Paste the link that was previously copied to your clipboard
Replace the beginning of the URL. Change 'webcal://' to 'https://'
Press 'Add Calendar' and navigate out of the Calendar settings and back to the Calendar view.
All appointments/sessions are now visible from your Google Calendar!
Lastly, although this is a feature that we have, please note that it may not always be accurate due to the potential delay in the refresh rate.